Devon Hospitals Short Stay School

North Devon District Hospital

What is the Devon Hospitals Short Stay School?

The Devon Hospitals Short Stay School is an education provision for those children and young people in hospital who may miss a significant period of schooling.

Who are the teaching staff?

Jo Hugo is the general EYFS-KS4 teacher at the Barnstaple site. She is DHSSS' English subject lead, autism specialist and an outreach teacher supported by teaching assistant Kari Bradbury who works daily on the Caroline Thorpe ward.

Jo and Kari are primarily based at NDDH, but are part of a larger team of teachers and assistants who are based at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital and the Outreach Centre in Exeter. The teaching staff are all qualified and experienced, and are employed by Devon County Council. They are responsible for delivering high quality, engaging personalised learning opportunities for all pupils. Jo and Kari are highly experienced in working in the field of education. Jo is a qualified and experienced teacher (Post Graduate Certificate in Education).

Laura Webb is the Head teacher. She is responsible for leadership and management, overall curriculum, progress and achievement, SEND and looked after children. She is also the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Karen Squires provides administrative support. 



Who is eligible for education in hospital? 

At daily handover meetings, the medical staff identify children and young people who may need hospital education input. These children may have a short or long stay inpatient admission or may need frequent admissions to hospital. They may present with special educational needs.

Who will work with your child?

Any of the teaching staff may work with your child. However, each pupil will be allocated a designated lead teacher, who will coordinate schoolwork, liaise with school if appropriate, and attend any specific meetings.

Where and when does ‘school’ happen?

There is a  fully equipped schoolroom on the ward. Pupils may be taught in the schoolroom, in their cubicle or on the ward. Infection control protocols may influence where teaching takes place.

School operates morning and afternoon during term-time. The timing of sessions may have to be flexible, but they usually take place between

9:15am - 12:00 noon

1:15pm - 3:15pm

One of the teachers will visit your child on the ward and discuss the plan for that day. Initially, this may be some activities by the bedside or it may be attending the schoolroom.

What do we offer?

The teacher will:

  • coordinate all schoolwork
  • take into account each child/young person’s particular needs, in order to work out an individual programme
  • liaise with the home schools and with other relevant professionals, when appropriate
  • take into consideration any special educational need a child may have
  • Attend any specific meetings 

What can you do to help us?

Please inform us of any special provision or needs your child has, or any other information that would be helpful to us in working with him/her.

What happens on discharge from hospital?

We will contact your child's main school and update them on work covered. We write a summary report for school and yourself if your child has been with us for a week or more. If your child is unable to return to school for more than three weeks after discharge, please talk to us and we can signpost you to extra services available.

Photos taken September 2020