Devon Hospitals Short Stay School

Devon Hospitals Short Stay School News

The latest news stories from Devon Hospitals Short Stay School.


News Stories

  • What am I?
  • The magic of storytelling!
    Exploring art and writing poetry with Michael from Read for Good.
  • Big Garden Bird Watch!
    Join the world's largest garden wildlife survey! 26-28th January 2024
  • We are now on Twitter (X)!
  • Healthy smoothies!
    Ruiqiu was keen to make smoothies with the strawberries. She also showed us how to make a mint drink, as taught to her by her grandparents. The drinks were delicious!
  • Train trip to Dawlish Warren!
    On the train to Dawlish Warren, we looked out for wild birds and saw geese, swans and egrets. We strolled along the beach and found many interesting shells, including crab shells. It was quite windy!
  • Local Outings
    We walked down to the Quay and visited the Custom House. The interactive activities were fun!
  • Culinary Delights!
    We are developing the different skills needed to cook a meal: – choosing and planning what to cook, buying the ingredients, chopping, grating, frying, stirring, kneading, proving, baking, tasting, evaluating and adapting recipes. Delicious!
  • Storytelling... Jenny Green Teeth
    Mike from Read for Good joined us at the Outreach Centre and at the RD&E and the children enjoyed listening to his story and creating some illustrations.
  • Marble Run Fun!
    Heidi used her DT skills to make a marble run. It worked!
Showing 41-50 of 66